Advantages of NATO: how dangerous it is for Ukraine to abandon its course to join the Alliance
15 April 2022, 18:52
author: Маріанна Фахурдінова

Should Ukraine still abandon its course towards NATO? Analytical article by Marianna Fakhurdinova, Research Fellow at the New Europe Center, for European Pravda.

“In search of a ceasefire, Ukraine has already made a number of proposals for a potential” peace agreement “with Russia, the key of which is to guarantee Ukraine’s non-accession to NATO or other military alliances (in fact neutrality) in favor of a number of states.

The Nordic countries are choosing another path: Sweden is set to apply for membership in the Alliance in June (supported by 51% of the population), and Finland is expected to decide on a possible application for NATO membership in a few weeks (supported by 62% of the population).
So let’s try to figure out whether Ukraine should give up NATO. And is it true that Ukrainians’ support for Alliance membership is falling (spoiler – there was no betrayal)? ”

The article is available in Ukrainian via the link here.

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