German-Ukrainian Breakfast Debate in Kyiv
5 July 2024, 13:14

On July 5, there was held German-Ukrainian Breakfast Debate on the topic «Before the NATO summit. What to expect?». The event was organized in partnership with the European Policy Institute (IEP), Berlin and under the patronage of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Martin Jäger.


Welcoming words at the beginning of the event were from Anna John, Political Advisor, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine, and Laura Christoph, project manager and research associate, IEP

Invited speaker was:

  • Stephan Bischoff, Senior Policy Adviser to Bundestag deputy Robin Wagener (head of the German-Ukrainian Parliamentary Friendship Group).

Experts discussed a wide range of issues in an informal atmosphere: from Germany’s support of Ukraine in countering Russian aggression in general to Ukraine’s membership in NATO.


Photo report of the event is here.

German-Ukrainian Debate Breakfast is a unique format of expert meetings whose take place in Berlin and Kyiv. This is a continuation of the “German Breakfasts” series, which has been organized in Kyiv since 2020 and “Ukrainian Breakfasts” series, which has been organized in Berlin since 2017.

The event is part of the “UA Transformation Lab”, a joined project by the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP), New Europe Center (NEC), Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF) and Cedos. It is kindly supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. The project aims to strengthen Ukrainian analytical centers and civil society organizations, deepen their cooperation with local authorities, and provide the necessary tools to effectively support recovery and European integration processes.

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