The “New Europe” was presented to the graduates of Cambridge
25 October 2018, 11:17

What is Europe’s way to be influential in the international relations? What is the role of Ukraine and each of us in this aspect? This was discussed during the discussion with Kateryna Zarembo, Deputy Director of the New Europe Center and the accompanist of the collection of essays “New Europe”. The event was organized by the Cambridge Society of Ukraine.

“Ukraine is ready for discussion about its place in the future of Europe. There is a certain maturation, ‘subjectivization’ of Ukraine both by it and by its partners, overcoming the post-Soviet ‘dependency mentality’ and realizing its own identity and mission. If a few years ago Western partners denied the thesis that they ‘have’ to help Ukraine (with the exception of their commitments), now they ask how Ukraine can helps them. And this is a conversation on equal footing, but not the relationship of the boss and subordinate,” Kateryna Zarembo noted.

The first presentation of the collection of essays “New Europe” was held in Lviv on September 21, 2018, in the framework of the Publishers Forum. On October 5, the presentation of the collection of essays was held during the celebration of the anniversary of the New Europe Center.

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