Appeal: TAURUS for Ukraine as soon as possible!
29 November 2023, 13:49

The New Europe Center joins the public appeal to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, initiated by the ANTS Network.

In an open letter, in addition to deciding to provide Ukraine with Taurus missiles without further delay, it is about supporting the creation of a Special International Tribunal for Russian aggression against Ukraine, promoting political consensus within NATO on inviting Ukraine to join the organization at the 2024 summit in Washington, introduction of a more reliable sanctions regime against russia, the development of a plan for the restoration of the economy of Ukraine, the arrest of Russian assets in Germany and the allocation of confiscated asseets to support Ukraine, the issuance of recommendations to German enterprises to cease operations in Russia.

We urge you to support the appeal and spread it!

The full text of the letter:
Open letter to Chancellor Scholz

The full text of the letter in German:
Open letter to Chancellor Scholz

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