2nd EU Accession Exchange Forum: highlights and key messages from the speakers
15 November 2023, 14:13

On September 28, 2023, the New Europe Center organized the 2nd EU Accession Exchange Forum with the participation of high-ranking government officials and leading experts in Kyiv. The event was dedicated to exchanging thoughts on the accession process, discussing best practices, generating new ideas, and learning from past experiences. It also aimed to explore opportunities in the relations between the European Union, countries of Eastern Europe, and the Western Balkans. The Forum was also intended to discuss new ideas and explore opportunities in the relations between the European Union and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and the Western Balkan countries. Additionally, during the Forum, the fifth independent monitoring of Ukraine’s implementation of EU recommendations, known as “Candidate Check-5”, was presented.

These are highlights and key messages from the speakres of 2nd EU Accession Exchange Forum. Please, find the pdf-version here.



The 2nd EU Accession Exchange Forum is organized by the New Europe Center in partnership with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, the International Renaissance Foundation, the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, Moldova, the Soros Foundation in Georgia and the Center for Liberal Modernity, Germany. European Pravda became Forum media partner. The Accession Exchange Forum was taking place with EU support, within the EU-funded “European Renaissance of Ukraine” project implemented by the International Renaissance Foundation.

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