“New Europe” organized a study visit for French experts in the field of security and defense
8 July 2024, 17:50


From July 1 to 5, New Europe Center  in partnership with leading French think tanks – Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri) and the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) organized a study visit for French delegation.

French experts had the opportunity to get answers to a wide range of questions:

  • how the modern military theory and practice has changed on the experience of Ukraine;
  • what innovations Ukraine has brought to the use and production of drones;
  • what problems Ukraine faces in cooperation with international partners, etc.

A study visit to Ukraine will allow researchers from Paris to prepare recommendations for their own army on its adaptation, necessary changes, as well as to adjust the current French assistance to Ukraine (in terms of the formation, delivery of equipment, logistical support, etc.).

Foreign delegation included such leading security experts as Philippe Gros, Senior research fellow, Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS), Elie Tenenbaum, Director of Security Studies Center Ifri, Leo Peria-Peigne, Research Fellow at Security Studies Center, Ifri, Vincent Tourret, Associate Fellow at Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS), Yohann Michel, Researcher at L’Institut d’Etudes de Stratégie et de Défense (IESD), a think-tank based in Lyon.

The delegation had the opportunity to meet with:

  • Andriy Kononenko, Brigadier General, Deputy Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine;
  • Taras Shyiko, Deputy General Director for Security of Ukroboronprom JSC;
  • Oksana Osadcha, Advisor to the Deputy Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration;
  • Yulia Marushevska, Head of Reforms Support Office of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
  • Sergiy Cherevaty, CEO of Ukrinform;
  • Victoria Vinogradova, Director of Procurement Management of the State Logistics Operator;
  • Maria Berlinskaya, founder of the Air Reconnaissance Support Center, Invisible Battalion, Victory Drones;
  • Sergiy Koshman, Head of International Partnership and Communication Brave1;
  • Daria Kaleniuk, Executive Director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center, co-founder of the International Centre for Ukrainian Victory;
  • Kateryna Zarembo, Associate Senior Fellow at the New Europe Center, member of the volunteer medical battalion “Hospitallers”;
  • Olexiy Melnyk, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs at the Razumkov Center;
  • Andriy Klymenko, Head of the Institute for Black Sea Strategic Studies;
  • Oksana Ishchuk, Executive Director of the Center for Global Studies “Strategy XXI”;
  • Pavlo Lakiychuk, Head of Security Programs at the Center for Global Studies “Strategy XXI”;
  • Andriy Ordynovych, Advisor on a voluntary basis to the Director of the Defense Procurement Agency;
  • Olexiy Ziborov, category manager of the UAV direction department at the Change Support Office.

This is not an exhaustive list – the French delegation had the opportunity to meet with much more representatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, government institutions, and the civil sector.

Special thanks for the assistance in informative filling of the study visit program to the Reforms Support Office of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine!

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