Coronavirus and unity in the EU: how the pandemic will affect the integration of the Union
28 April 2020, 10:43
author: Маріанна Фахурдінова


Policy-brief by Marianna Fakhurdinova on the healthcare systems in the EU and trends, which Ukraine might use as an example, as well as on how the pandemic will influence the unity in the Union.  Please find the PDF-version of the paper here.


“The coronavirus crisis has become a test of strength for the European Union. It demonstrated the weakness of states and, at the same time, the ability of institutions to respond effectively to such threats. In view of this, the pandemic could be a starting point for initiating more serious discussions about deepening of the EU integration in the social sphere, in particular in the field of health care. Currently, the EU Member States’ health care systems are fragmented, but there are common trends that show the movement of countries in one direction. Ukraine should pay attention to these trends, follow the political processes that accompany them, and learn from the mistakes of the EU Member States.”




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