Alyona Getmanchuk, the Director of the New Europe Center, spoke at hearings in the German Bundestag
7 July 2023, 13:28

“The ideal strategy for Ukraine would be the strategy of “no preconditions for inviting Ukraine to NATO and an approach based exclusively on merits in terms of joining the EU”.

On July 6, Alyona Getmanchuk spoke at hearings in the German Bundestag organized by the European Union Committee. The hearings topic was Ukraine’s accession to the EU, timed to the anniversary of Kyiv receiving candidate status.

The director of the New Europe Center spoke in detail about Ukraine’s progress on the implementation of 7 recommendations of the European Commission in order to convince the German parliamentarians to make a political decision regarding the opening of accession negotiations this autumn. The coordinated and professional work of partners from the “Candidate Check” coalition has made it possible to present information about key reforms in a high-quality manner. Foreign deputies paid special attention to the process of deoligarchization.

Alyona Getmanchuk also voiced her expectations from the NATO summit in Vilnius. She recalled that on the eve of Ukraine’s application, the concerns were raised in the German capital that such a decision could provoke “an even greater escalation on the part of Putin”. “As it turned out, it was not provoked, so there is no need to be afraid of decisive steps,” Getmanchuk added.

The results of the last “Candidate check” are presented on the Center’s website –

Memo “Why Ukraine should be invited to NATO” –

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