What the US Is Sending to Ukraine Right Now (and What it Isn’t)
6 May 2024, 13:58
author: Маріанна Фахурдінова


After the United States approved $60 billion of additional funding for Ukraine at the end of April, the media were full of various figures on how much money Ukraine would actually receive for military aid. The news were also followed by announcements of $1 billion and $6 billion aid packages.

Marianna Fakhurdinova, Associate Fellow, New Europe Center, explains that the new law (HR815) provides $7.8 billion in short-term and $13.8 billion in “deferred” military aid to Ukraine in a new analysis for CEPA. That is why Kyiv will receive arms worth $1 billion in the near future, and $6 billion will have to wait longer (+/- a year).

The remaining funds provided by law remain in the United States and are spent on the needs of the American armed forces.

More details via link.

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