


Publication type:


We in media
7 candidates, who have the chance to become the President of the European Commission

Analysis of the candidates for the post of President of the European Commission by New Europe Center intern Victoria Omelyanenko

19 June 2019, 17:07
Zelensky meets Merkel and Macron

Comment by Kateryna Zarembo, Deputy Director of the New Europe Center for Public Television

19 June 2019, 13:16
How does Zelensky discuss Donbas with European partners?

Sergiy Solodkyy’s comment for Radio Free

19 June 2019, 12:41
Ukraine in Moldova: Who Needs a Self-Proclaimed Mediator?

Alyona Getmanchuk’s blog at Ukrainska Pravda (in Ukrainian)

14 June 2019, 23:13
Europe’s Signals

Sergiy Solodkyy’s comment for The Day newspaper

13 June 2019, 08:54
We Cannot Remain Silent: What Position Should Ukraine Take on Diarchy in Moldova

NEC Director Alyona Getmanchuk is a co-author of the article for “European Pravda”

10 June 2019, 14:36
On First Foreign Visit, Ukraine’s Zelensky Aims To Show Wary Europeans That He’s Serious

Alyona Getmanchuk and Kateryna Zarembo commented the first foreign visit of Volodymyr Zelensky for Radio Free Europe

5 June 2019, 08:36
Ambitious Goal

Alyona Getmanchuk on the possibility of major non-NATO ally status for Ukraine

4 June 2019, 07:27
Almost Ukraine-gate

Alyona Getmanchuk’s comment for NV magazine

28 May 2019, 16:02