Leo Litra for Euronews on Zelenskiy’s visit to France
The comment written by NEC’s Director Alyona Getmanchuk is available at “Українська правда” in Ukrainian only.
Kateryna Zarembo’s interview on the consequences of antisystemic movements coming to power (Italy’s example)
Aliona Getmanchuk’s blog about Ukrainian-American relations before the presidential election in Ukraine
Kateryna Zarembo’s interview on the exit-poll results during the presidential elections 2019
Kateryna Zarembo’s interview on the elections of Ukrainian President
Kateryna Zarembo’s interview on the antisystemic movements worldwide (in particular in Ukraine)
Alyona Getmanchuk’s comment on Ukrainian elections
Leonis Litra’s comment in Los Angeles Times on Ukrainian elections
Alyona Getmanchuk’s comment on the accusations of Ukraine in meddling into the US Presidential elections 2016