


Publication type:


We in media
Sleaze scandals stalk Ukraine campaign

Comment of NEC Director Alyona Getmanchuk on the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine.

6 March 2019, 10:32
“For the Renaissance of Europe!”

Comment of New Europe Center analyst Leonid Litra on the statement of Emmanuel Macron.

5 March 2019, 10:24
“Balkan Spring”: where will lead mass protests in the troubled region of Europe

An article of New Europe Center analyst Tetiana Levoniuk about the protest movements spread in the Balkans.

5 March 2019, 10:04
Elections in Moldova: Russia lost, but the European Union did not win either

Leonid Litra’s commentary on the parliamentary elections results in Moldova.

28 February 2019, 20:54
A five-star servant of the people: What Lessons can Ukraine Learn from the Experience of Italian Populists

(UA) Стаття заступниці директора Центру “Нова Європа” Катерини Зарембо, де проаналізовано, чи дійсно італійський рух “5 зірок” є антисистемним.

30 January 2019, 14:29
Against Authoritarianism and in favor of Putin: What are the Consequences of the Protests in Serbia

(UA) Стаття аналітикині Центру “Нова Європа” Тетяни Левонюк про протести у Сербії проти президента Александара Вучича.

28 January 2019, 11:04
Is Slovak Chairmanship in the OSCE Ambitious or Realistic?

(UA) Блог аналітикині Центру “Нова Європа” Тетяни Левонюк про очікування від головування Словаччини у ОБСЄ.

17 January 2019, 19:24
Election loss looms for Ukraine’s embattled president

Leo Litra, Senior Research Fellow at the NEC, commenting for Asia Times noted that naval clash on the Kerch Strait left Poroshenko with little choice other than martial law.

12 December 2018, 13:17
Europe Wavers on Russian Sanctions

Interview with Tetiana Levonuk, an analyst at the New Europe Center, for UA TV on unity of European countries regarding sanctions policy toward Russia.

7 December 2018, 17:23