Olena Betliy, Ukrainian historian, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of History, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Specialist in the history of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the XX century and social history of Kyiv during the First World War. An expert on the history of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the XX century, the history of diplomacy, and urban studies, explores the discursive practices of European space and identity politics in the context of Eurointegration processes.
In 2005-2006 she trained at the Illinois University in Chicago under the Fulbright Scholarship
In 2007-2013 she headed the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Center for Polish and European Studies.
Iuliia Hoban (Kononenko) holds a Ph.D. In Global Affairs (Rutgers University). She is a Lecturer at School of Humanities and Social Studies, The College of New Jersey, where she teaches Nonviolence and Peace Action.
Her academic interests concentrate on the issues of involvement of children in the armed conflicts, international law, and strategies of non-governmental organizations.
Iuliia also holds an M.A. in International Development from the Joseph Korbel School of International Studies with a certificate in Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance.
Daisuke Kitade, analyst at Global Economic & Political Studies Division, Europe & CIS Department Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute.
Expertise: Ukraine, Russia, other former Soviet Union countries, sanctions in general.
Experience: Attaché (political affairs), Embassy of Japan in Ukraine and Moldova.
Education: M.A., linguistics, University of Tokyo; Completed Ph.D. program without a Ph.D. degree, University of Tokyo
Language Fluency: Russian, Ukrainian, English