An important meeting in the circle of old, new and promising like-minded people on the day of the second “anniversary” of the Big War. At a working breakfast meeting with the parliaments` heads of the committees of foreign affairs of almost all countries of the European Union discussed important issues for Ukraine.
“We talked not about memories and achievements, but about how to “recharge” the countries of both the EU and the USA for the victory of Ukraine, and not about how to save face in the event of Ukrainian (and their also) defeat, which today can be traced at different levels in some capitals”, said Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center.
The director familiarized influential parliamentarians with the infographic materials of New Europe, in which the Center’s team provided an expert assessment of the main not only achievements, but also the mistakes of Ukraine’s international partners during 2 years of the Big War and what must be done to correct them.