(UA) Маріанна Фахурдінова взяла участь у заході Громадянської мережі ОПОРА
Ukrainian CSOs call EU member states to grant Ukraine EU candidate status promptly, as recognition of joint reform achievements
Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the New Europe Center, and Leo Litra, Senior Research Fellow at NEC, visited Paris, The Hague and Berlin on advocacy visits.
A new effort to reach French audience amid the war in Ukraine: in partnership with IFRI the New Europe Center organized today a briefing by Igor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, for more than 200 opinion leaders from France.
Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the New Europe Center, spoke at the Atlantic Council’s discussion “Will Russian war crimes in Ukraine continue?” Other speakers included Oleksandr Danyliuk, former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Keith Dayton, and Vladimir Milov, a Russian opposition politician. The discussion was moderated by Ambassador John Herbst, Senior Director of the Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council.
What is the role of Japan and China in Russia’s war against Ukraine? Today, in the midst of the war, the New Europe Center presented two analytical commentaries on these topics. Ukrainian, Japanese and European experts took part in a closed friendly online discussion.
The forum aims to strengthen understanding between Ukraine and France through an open dialogue.
The Second International Forum Ukraine-Japan
(UA) Головна ціль Форуму – створення платформи для діалогу для глибшого розуміння викликів і спільного пошуку відповідей.
(UA) Центр “Нова Європа” запрошує на Другий Міжнародний Форум “Україна і Японія в регіональному і глобальному контексті»