In a friendly atmosphere participants discussed current issues of bilateral relations
Alyona Getmanchuk took part in a working breakfast meeting with the parliaments` heads of foreign affairs committees of almost all countries of the EU
Together with colleagues from other organizations had a long meeting with Vice President of the German Bundestag Katrin Göring-Eckardt
Leonid Litra, Senior Research Fellow at the New Europe Center, took part at the presentation organized by Transparency International Ukraine
Head of European People’s Party visited Kyiv on January 23, 2024
Alyona Getmanchuk, the Director of the New Europe Center, took part in Forum, which was held on December 15-16 in Lviv
Despite the extremely difficult negotiations, the desire of one state to disrupt a positive decision, Ukraine still received its “YES!” from the EU
The key discussed issues: further movement on the track of bilateral relations and cooperation between in matters of Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO
The New Europe Center joins the public appeal of European think tankers to European leaders on the eve of the EU Council meeting
On December 4, the New Europe Center held German-Ukrainian Breakfast Debate «Ukraine and Germany: Priorities for cooperation»