Annual Reports
Annual Report 2017
30 January 2018, 17:00


Starting something new is always a challenge. The launch of the New Europe Center was not actually a beginning but more the ambitious extension of a project started earlier at the Institute of World Policy. And so, perhaps the new center’s team was able to more smoothly overcome the typical growing pains that tend to challenge real pioneers.

It was easier for us because we were and remain a team of like-minded individuals who are determined to dedicate our intellectual efforts towards the foreign policy success of our country.

It was easier for us to set up a new think-tank because we felt the support of our friends in expert, political, diplomatic and donor circles pretty much from Day 1.

It was also less difficult for us because we were aware about of the mission and vision that were behind this new initiative.

This report shows that, despite the fact that our team is now working in an organization under a different name, the pace and quality of our work remains as high as always. We’ve never let challenges stop us because we understand the hurdles that we are likely to face as we work to reach our objectives. And we’re confident that we will overcome them because we feel and trust like strong breeze at our backs.

Starting from this new year have a new Strategic Plan for the next three years that focuses on three main priorities: improving the effectiveness of Ukraine’s foreign and security policy, maintaining the country’s European and Euroatlantic course, and promoting Ukraine’s interests in the international arena.

2017 was the beginning of the New Europe Center and we will do everything possible to ensure that the next years become the start of a New Europe in the broadest sense of this term: a secure, prosperous Europe without dividing lines. Our goal is a New Europe where the top priority will be, not commercial and political expediency, but rule of law, equality and mutual respect. Ukraine will be an integral part of this New Europe.

Alyona Getmanchuk,
New Europe Center

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