



US-Japan security alliance: points to watch in Ukraine

The analytical commentary by Bonji Ohara, Senior Fellow of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation

14 March 2021, 20:06
Crises, protests and a glimpse of hope: The uncertain future of democracy in the Black Sea region in 2021

Leo Litra joined a group of experts from 6 countries who prepared a study conducted by the Romanian think tank CRPE with the support of the Black Sea Trust.

12 March 2021, 16:08
From the village to Brussels: what can the community do for successful European integration?

(UA) «Нова Європа» підготувала низку рекомендацій, які можуть стати в пригоді представникам органів місцевої влади — усім тим, хто б хотів зробити Україну ближчою до ЄС, а ЄС зрозумілішим для всіх українців.

11 March 2021, 10:55
Kyiv and Chișinău: getting the current rapprochement right. Op-Ed by Leo Litra and Nicu Popescu

(UA) Спільна колонка Лео Літри та Ніку Попеску, очільника МЗС Молдови у 2019 році, про проблеми у відносинах України та Молдови, та шляхи їх вирішення для румунського аналітичнго центру IPRE.

4 March 2021, 15:54
Westernization report 2021

The document assesses the implementation of reforms in the Eurasian and Baltic states after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The New Europe Center is a partner of the initiative. Alyona Getmanchuk, Sergiy Solodkyy and Leo Litra are the authors of reports on Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.

1 March 2021, 17:51
Resume: The Euromap of Ukraine-2. How is Sumy ranked?

Resume is a short version of a research “The European map of Ukraine-2” and also deals with success of Sumy in the field of European integration

25 February 2021, 11:24
How could Ukraine add the new meaning to the bilateral relations with Japan?

Article by Alyona Getmanchuk for “Dzerkalo tyzhnia”

18 February 2021, 11:36
Ukraine-Japan: how to secure an effective global partnership?

Discussion paper by Alyona Getmanchuk

15 February 2021, 16:31
Between Obama and Trump: what will shape the US foreign policy and attitude towards Ukraine

Article by Alyona Getmanchuk for “European Pravda”

4 February 2021, 15:08
The Evolution of Russian Hybrid Warfare: Ukraine

Ukrainian report was prepared within Center for European Policy Analysis project

2 February 2021, 11:00