



TRUMAN Index №3 (7): Ukraine-US Relations

Much more so than under Obama, there is a distinct impression that there are two American policies towards Ukraine: that of the US itself and that of the US President. It looks like the Ukrainian side needs to be prepared for a bit of a roller-coaster ride under a Trump presidency in relations with the US, as positive decisions and statements are replaced by negative ones.

4 September 2018, 16:44
New Europe: what do Ukrainians think?

Presentation of the opinion poll results on Ukrainians’ attitudes towards European integration

10 July 2018, 13:53
Silence of Kharkiv

Kharkiv dimension of European integration

6 June 2018, 18:09
German Crisis Management Efforts in the Ukraine–Russia Conflict from Kyiv’s Perspective

Analysis of the role of Germany in resolving the conflict between Ukraine and Russia from Kyiv’s perspective

23 May 2018, 12:55
The Traps of the Transnistrian Settlement: how do we avoid them?

Policy brief on development around Transnistrian settlement

17 April 2018, 14:41
Westernization Index 2018

The report was prepared by StrategEast in collaboration with the experts of New Europe Center

22 March 2018, 14:37
Foreign Policy Audit: Ukraine-Latvia

The discussion paper on the Ukrainian-Latvian relations was written by Kateryna Zarembo and Elizabete Vizgunova

22 March 2018, 10:00
How Should Ukraine Approach Germany under New-Old Coalition?

Policy Memo to the Ukrainian stakeholders on the occasion of government formation in the Federal Republic of Germany

5 March 2018, 15:32
G7 in Ukraine: Support, Criticism, or Critical Support?

The G7 Support Group remains a unique and sometimes decisive actor in the process of reforms in Ukraine

2 March 2018, 11:44
Eastern Partnership Index 2015-2016

Charting Progress in European Integration, Democratic Reforms, and Sustainable Development

13 February 2018, 12:02