Alyona Getmanchuk contributed to the paper, prepared by the leading German think tank SWP
(UA) Аналітична стаття Наталії Бутирської, асоційованої старшої аналітикині Центру “Нова Європа” для Європейської правди
Expert Views on Which Initiatives Will Bring Ukraine Closer to Victory
Analytical blog by Alyona Getmanchuk for Ukrainian Pravda
A series of analytical infographics prepared by New Europe Center with assessing Western support over the past two years, following the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
Analytical commentary by Leonid Litra, New Europe Center, and Lesia Ogryzko, RISE Ukraine – Coalition for Reconstruction, for ECFR
Analytical article by Leonid Litra, Senior Research Fellow, New Europe, and Olena Halushka, ICUV-International Center for Ukrainian Victory, for Le Monde
Alyona Getmanchuk`s analytical commentary to European Pravda
How the EU should improve its enlargement methodology to encourage merit-based accession?
Experts on efforts to reform and expand the European Union