



Locals of occupied territories in Ukraine will get Russian citizenship easier. What does it mean?

Sergiy Solodkyy commented scandalous Putin’s decision for the Russian service of the BBC (in Russian)

24 April 2019, 14:13
Comedian Zelenskiy wins Ukrainian presidency in landslide

Alyona Getmanchuk’s comment for Politico about new Ukraine’s leadership

23 April 2019, 11:30
Ukraine comedian Zelensky to meet Macron before presidential run-off

Leonid Litra’s comment for AFP on Zelensky’s meeting with Macron in Paris

12 April 2019, 14:27
Ukraine’s candidates for presidency seek support in the West

Leo Litra for Euronews on Zelenskiy’s visit to France

12 April 2019, 13:19
Eager for Change, these Ukrainian Voters Back a Comedian for President. Seriously

Leonis Litra’s comment in Los Angeles Times on Ukrainian elections

29 March 2019, 14:13
General Prosecutor vs. Anti Corruption Action Centre: What is the Connection between the Investigation in Ukraine and the US elections 2016?

Alyona Getmanchuk’s comment on the accusations of Ukraine in meddling into the US Presidential elections 2016

29 March 2019, 13:50
G7 Letter Takes Aim At Role Of Violent Extremists In Ukrainian Society, Election

Alyona Getmanchuk commentary on the involvement of rightwing radicals into the presidential elections

22 March 2019, 17:56
Battle of Azov: who and why within the EU blocked the “Azov package” of sanctions

Commentary of NEC Analyst Leonid Litra on the “Azov package” of sanctions

22 March 2019, 12:00
The habit of interfering. How Russia Meddles in Presidential Elections in Ukraine

Comment of NEC First Deputy Director Sergiy Solodkyy on upcoming presidential elections.

12 March 2019, 11:13