

The Eighth German breakfast in Kyiv

(UA) У Києві відбувся восьмий німецький сніданок на тему: “Відносини Україна-ЄС: погляд з Берліна”.

26 November 2021, 13:02
4th Association Exchange Forum (21-22d of October)

Last week ended up with the 4th Association Exchange Forum (21-22 of October) – the two-day offline event was devoted to exchange of ideas on Association Agreements (AAs) implementation in three states: Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.

28 October 2021, 18:23
“The Associated Trio underpins the strategic importance of the Eastern Partnership, not undermines it,” – Kuleba

Speech by Dmytro Kuleba, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, at the New Europe Center event “4th Association Exchange Forum”

21 October 2021, 13:34
ANNOUNCEMENT: 4th Association Exchange Forum

The New Europe Center and International Renaissance Foundation cordially invite to join the 4thAssociation Exchange Forum, which is an international gathering of practitioners and experts on Association Agreement implementation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

19 October 2021, 16:44
7th German Breakfast in Kyiv

(UA) У Києві відбувся сьомий німецький сніданок на тему: “Україна-Німеччина: вплив федеральних виборів на двосторонні відносини”.

12 October 2021, 10:50
ANNOUNCEMENT: Presentation of the results of the study “European map-3. Rating of European integration of Ukrainian regions”

(UA) Презентація результатів дослідження: “Євромапа-3. Рейтинг європейської інтеграції областей України”

8 October 2021, 12:25
Germany after Merkel

(UA) Сергій Солодкий став запрошеним спікером заходу Kyiv Dialogue, присвяченого німецьким виборам

27 September 2021, 17:20
Inaugural “Eurocofee talks” in Ukrainian regions!

In a friendly atmosphere, opinion leaders from the south-eastern regions of Ukraine discussed with David Stulik, a former spokesman for the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the last two years.

16 September 2021, 16:11
International Renaissance Foundation hosts New Europe Center Club

The New Europe Center organized an informal meeting with Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine in a narrow circle of invited experts.

23 July 2021, 17:33
NEC at the All-Ukrainian Forum Ukraine 30!

Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center took part in the All-Ukrainian Forum Ukraine 30, where she moderated the discussion panel “Neighborhood policy: Ukraine and EU states”.

6 July 2021, 17:41