



Untapped potential of the UN: is there a chance for the organization to justify its existence?

Analytical article by Marianna Fakhurdinova, Research Fellow at the New Europe Center, on UN instruments that Ukraine has already used and can use to counter the aggressor.

3 June 2022, 11:39
EU candidate status: who and why is ready to refuse Ukraine

Analytical article by Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the New Europe Center, for ZN.UA.

20 May 2022, 17:10
Those attempting to save Putin’s face risk losing theirs

Analytical article by Sergiy Solodkyy, first deputy director at the New Europe Center, for European Pravda

19 May 2022, 15:55
How do Western experts define Ukraine’s victory?

We asked experts within the rubric “New Europe Wonders”

19 May 2022, 13:20
Funding and impetus for reform: how Ukraine will benefit after obtaining EU candidate status

Policy brief by Marianna Fakhurdinova on the benefits for Ukraine from obtaining the EU candidate status

12 May 2022, 10:56
An unexpected ally of Ukraine in the war with Russia

An article by Kateryna Zarembo, New Europe Center Associate Fellow , for  ZN.UA

6 May 2022, 16:58
7 reasons that changed the US position on the modern weapons for Ukraine

Analysis for the “European Pravda” by Alyona Getmanchuk.

4 May 2022, 18:05
Did Ukraine’s civil society help turn back the Russians?

Article by Kateryna Zarembo, New Europe Center Associate Fellow, and Eric Martin, Professor of Management in Bucknell University’s Freeman College of Management, for New Eastern Europe. 

4 May 2022, 17:50
Advantages of NATO: how dangerous it is for Ukraine to abandon its course to join the Alliance

Analytical article by Marianna Fakhurdinova, Research Fellow at the New Europe Center, for European Pravda.

15 April 2022, 18:52
Putin will win unless the West sends Ukraine offensive weapons

“Although the war is now in its second month, there still seems to be a lingering lack of recognition in many Western capitals that Ukraine needs to receive far greater quantities of weapons without further delay. It is also time to rethink the types of weapons being delivered to Ukraine,” – Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center wrote an article for the Atlantic Council. 

1 April 2022, 11:06