



DIPLOMACY-2022. Expectations of Ukrainian society

The results of the survey commissioned by the New Europe Center

13 December 2021, 14:37
“Swiss Model of Partial Integration with the EU: What’s Applicable for Ukraine?”

(UA) Серія публікацій аналітичних звітів, кожен з яких присвячений детальному аналізу моделі часткової інтеграції окремої країни.

13 December 2021, 13:38
Experience of the Western Balkans in European integration and lessons for Ukraine

Research by Natalia Humba and Dariia Haidai on the experience of the Western Balkans in European integration

10 December 2021, 12:25
The young and the restless: Europe, Russia, and the next generation of diplomats in the Eastern Partnership

  The article is written with the contribution of the New Europe Center Senior Fellow Leo Litra for ECOR. Pdf version is here.     Summary Young diplomats in Eastern…

3 December 2021, 18:30
Eurosuccesses in Ukrainian regions. How do local authorities see them?

Paper Tetiana Levoniuk and Marianna Fakhurdinova.

29 November 2021, 12:29
Implementation of Association Agreements in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine: a comparative overview 2021

The paper is a comparative overview of Association Agreements implementation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine prepared within 4th Association Exchange Forum.

21 October 2021, 12:10
European map-3.Rating of European integration of Ukrainian regions

(UA) «Євромапа-3» є третім всеохопним дослідженням поступу України на шляху до євроінтеграції. Це рейтинг областей України, складений на основі відповідності до 49 індикаторів у 9 сферах, які найбільш виразно відображають динаміку зближення окремих регіонів країни з ЄС.

19 October 2021, 12:36
What have been the success stories of European integration in the Ukrainian regions over the last two years?

We asked experts within the rubric “New Europe Wonders”

17 September 2021, 13:39
Biden with the shadow of Russia: why Zelensky’s visit to the US did not become a clear victory

Article by Alyona Getmanchuk for the “European Pravda”

3 September 2021, 12:13
Afghanistan collapse sparks wave of alarm in Ukraine

Article by Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center, for Atlantic Council, which was originally published in Ukrainian by Ukrainska Pravda.

17 August 2021, 11:52