



Substituting for the State: the Role of Volunteers in Defense Reform in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine

Kateryna Zarembo explores whether volunteer participation led to institutional strengthening of the Ukrainian defense state capacity or to its weakening

12 January 2018, 13:22
Assessing the EU’s conflict prevention and peacebuilding interventions in Ukraine

The report on Ukraine was produced as part of the project “Whole-of-Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding” (WOSCAP). It contains the research findings on the EU’s interventions in conflict prevention and peacebuilding in Ukraine.

19 December 2017, 15:51
New European Neighborhood Policy of Ukraine. What has the law on education “stress test” shown?”

The paper analyzes the reaction of Ukraine’s neighbors to the adopted law, the opportunities for mutual understanding, and the impact of the conflict on the dialogue between Kyiv and Brussels.

6 December 2017, 20:03
Ukrainian “Generation Z”: Attitudes and Values

One of the most comprehensive attempts to understand and assess the sentiments of Ukrainian youth not only in recent years, but perhaps also for the entire period of Ukraine’s independence.

22 November 2017, 11:09
Implementation of the Associations Аgreements with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova

The state of implementation of the associations and free trade agreements with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova with a particular focus on Ukraine and systemic analysis of key sectors

20 November 2017, 14:25
Upgrading the Eastern Partnership: Policy Recommendations for the 2017 Summit

The Eastern Partnership needs a profound reform. What changes should be made?

5 November 2017, 11:51
Priority Partnership: A Common Vision of Ukrainian-Polish Relations

Discussion paper of the Ukrainian-Polish Dialogue Group (in Ukrainian)

30 October 2017, 12:44
Not So Quiet on the Eastern Front: An Audit of the Minsk Agreements and Ukraine’s Reintegration Options

A report written in co-authorship with the experts of the New Europe Center Kateryna Zarembo and Leonid Litra on the implementation of the Minsk agreements

30 October 2017, 10:15
Index of Relations with the U.S., EU, Russia, and China (TRUMAN Index)

The Index is based on the monitoring and analysis of the events in the foreign policy of Ukraine by key areas: the EU, the US, the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China

12 October 2017, 17:23
Perceptions of CSDP effectiveness in Ukraine: a host state perspective

The article contributes to the studies of CSDP and its engagement with the host state as well as to the nascent academic and policy literature on CSDP and Ukraine.

6 October 2017, 15:04