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We in media
Ukraine seeks to win over Trump with natural resources and troop proposals

Alyona Getmanchuk, the Director of New Europe Center, commented for Financial Times

13 November 2024, 10:37
(UA) “На нас чекають американські гірки”. Як перемога Трампа вплине на Україну

(UA) Альона Гетьманчук, директорка Центру “Нова Європа”, коментує для BBC-Україна

7 November 2024, 18:26
Ukraine braces for outcome of US elections: ‘We are worried about Trump’

Alyona Getmanchuk, the Director of tne New Europe Center, commented for The Guardian

1 November 2024, 14:45
Ukraine Walks a Tightrope on the U.S. Election

Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center, commented for Foreign Policy

1 November 2024, 11:58
NATO: Zelensky knocks on the door, but nobody answers

Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center, initiated conversation with Le Figaro

18 October 2024, 13:30
Ecco come l’Ucraina può e deve entrare nella Nato (e disinnescare la minaccia russa)

The Italian media Linkiesta publised policy memo “Potential formats and requirements for inviting Ukraine to NATO”

14 October 2024, 17:00
Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive Signals a Bold Shift in the War with Russia

An essay for The National Interest written by Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center

13 September 2024, 13:23
‘It was all a blur’: Ukraine’s troops on their audacious incursion into Russia

Alyona Getmanchuk comments for the Guardian about Ukraine’s incursion into Russia

3 September 2024, 17:30
US strategic uncertainty about Ukraine could become an impulse for Europe

An interview by Alyona Getmanchuk for influential Polish media Gazeta Wyborcza

5 August 2024, 12:41
Biden’s peace plan, Trump’s ego and advance to Putin – what awaits Ukraine before and after U.S. elections

Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of New Europe Center, is an exclusive interview for

1 August 2024, 17:50