Alyona Getmanchuk, the Director of New Europe Center, commented for Financial Times
(UA) Альона Гетьманчук, директорка Центру “Нова Європа”, коментує для BBC-Україна
Alyona Getmanchuk, the Director of tne New Europe Center, commented for The Guardian
Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center, commented for Foreign Policy
Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center, initiated conversation with Le Figaro
The Italian media Linkiesta publised policy memo “Potential formats and requirements for inviting Ukraine to NATO”
An essay for The National Interest written by Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of the New Europe Center
Alyona Getmanchuk comments for the Guardian about Ukraine’s incursion into Russia
An interview by Alyona Getmanchuk for influential Polish media Gazeta Wyborcza
Alyona Getmanchuk, Director of New Europe Center, is an exclusive interview for